Krzych Jończyk

Modern PHP, soft skills, productivity and time management.

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Evernote and emoji

I have a little tip for you today.

Did you know, that you can use emoji in the note’s title?


I’m using Evernote for managing every task and project I have. My friend shows me a great way to mark notes he plans to do today – the `today` tag. I mark every task for today with this tag.
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PHPyths Buster: Displaying reminders

Previously I’ve made a connection to Evernote and display list of all notes. Nice. But the project is about managing reminders, so let’s go to work!

Receiving reminders

First of all, I want to display only notes with reminders. It could be done using `NoteFilter`. It’s enough to add just one line:

`$nFilter->words = “reminderTime:* -reminderDoneTime:*”;`
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NBD: Writing in English

I’ve started blogging very recently. It was blog specially created for “Daj Się Poznać” contest. Because I wanted to do it with as little effort as possible I’ve decided to write it in Polish.

After the contest, I had the idea of creating the new blog, serious this time. I’ve asked newly met people on the slack channel if I should write the new blog in Polish or English. I was sure that I could create better content in my native language, but they convinced me to change my mind.
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\DateTime class is cool.

Yeah, it is.

Do you want yesterday at 6 am? `new \DateTime(“yesterday 06:00:00”);`
Do you want two weeks ago at noon? `new \DateTime(“-2 weeks 12:00:00”);`
Do you want just 2 minutes ahead? `new \DateTime(“+2 minutes”);`

`\DateTime` class parses string given in the constructor and translates it into valid date and time. It is awesome when you have to compute intervals for SQL query. Continue reading

Newbie Blogger Diary

I’m writing a blog for about 2 months. It’s quite a short period of time. But, some bloggers stop after creating 2-3 blogposts. Some even stop before writing the first post – they searching for a perfect engine, perfect template, perfect everything. But they forget that blog isn’t about engine, template, but a blog is a content.
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PHPyths Buster: Evernote SDK [update]

It’s time to do some Evernote configuration.

To write an application that needs connection with Evernote I need a developer account. I have one, so in fact, you need it 😉


Go to and click “Get an API key” button and fill the form with your data. You’ll get Consumer Key and Consumer Secret needed to connect with Evernote.

Now I suggest you create a test account in It allows you to test your application using test account so you won’t mess up your real notes.
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PHPyths Buster: Basic application

Ok, we have installed environment, everything works fine so we can start creating our app!

As you may remember I want to write simple application extending Evernote by simplify displaying reminders and do some daily action on some specific notes.

I’ll start with displaying the notes. By now I don’t need connection with Evernote itself, so I’ll create some dummy notes in PHP.

The model

Let’s start with the model for note. Model is the special type of PHP class which describes all data for the note. I need for sure: `id`, `title`, `description`, `remind at` date and maybe `created at` date. It is enough for now if the application will require some more information I’ll add it to the model. Continue reading

PHPyths Buster: Hello World!

I hope, that setting up the environment goes ok 😉

In this post, I want to show you how to install Symfony on previously prepared docker container.


The simplest way to install Symfony is to use composer. Symfony has it’s own installation script, but I think that composer’s one is just fine.

If you have composer installed then it’s enough to call `composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition code` in your terminal (in the main directory of a docker, where `docker-composer.yml` file is placed, see PHPyths Buster: Project environment). All required packages will be downloaded and installed automatically.
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