Modern PHP, soft skills, productivity and time management.

Category: Soft

Train of thought about technical debt


Technical debt is a tool – use it, but use it wisely.

Technical debt is cool. Am I crazy? No, I think it’s a great feature (yes, feature) of agile development. Let me explain.

Technical debt is there. We can safely assume that in the very moment you finished a feature and pushed it to production – it’s debt. Best code is no code. But let’s talk about intentionally creating it.

Let’s say you like to write good, readable and tested code. You take care of DDD, use best practices, create caches when necessary. But then business has an idea for a feature, and they aren’t sure if it’s gonna work but they wants it fast. If you’d try to make this feature as you like, as your engineering soul tells you, you’d say “ok, give me a week or two”. There are disadvantages to that approach.

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Why I stop to code and want to come back?

It was a while since the last post. At first, I had no idea what to write about. My post about string performance comparison was quite a success, so everything seems to go pretty well.

But from about one and a half months I simply… don’t code at all! It’s because we have significant changes in our company. Teams started to be interdisciplinary, that means to developers joined marketing, analysis, communication guys. And I was responsible for helping people understand the change. In fact, I was true, full-time Scrum Master…
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How to gain (at least!) one extra hour a day

Each day has 24 hours. Every one of us has 24 hours. There is nothing we can do about it.

Or is it? 🙂

I’m sure you have some “wasted” time every day. For me, that wasted time is going by bus to my work. It takes me about 45 to 50 minutes one way. Reading a book was not always possible, listening to music was not exactly developing.

For you, wasted time may mean cleaning up the apartment or working out. It’s any situation you do something automatically and your brain is bored 😉

What if you can use this time for something more, something developing? I do. I’m listening to podcasts.
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Evernote and emoji

I have a little tip for you today.

Did you know, that you can use emoji in the note’s title?


I’m using Evernote for managing every task and project I have. My friend shows me a great way to mark notes he plans to do today – the `today` tag. I mark every task for today with this tag.
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NBD: Writing in English

I’ve started blogging very recently. It was blog specially created for “Daj Się Poznać” contest. Because I wanted to do it with as little effort as possible I’ve decided to write it in Polish.

After the contest, I had the idea of creating the new blog, serious this time. I’ve asked newly met people on the slack channel if I should write the new blog in Polish or English. I was sure that I could create better content in my native language, but they convinced me to change my mind.
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Newbie Blogger Diary

I’m writing a blog for about 2 months. It’s quite a short period of time. But, some bloggers stop after creating 2-3 blogposts. Some even stop before writing the first post – they searching for a perfect engine, perfect template, perfect everything. But they forget that blog isn’t about engine, template, but a blog is a content.
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