This is a simple tutorial how to set up Selenium test with PHPUnit and phantomjs for easy and fast testing.

Today I wanted to learn something about Selenium. It’s very popular testing tool for any application that can be launched using a web browser, regardless of programming language or technology. I don’t know it very much, in fact, I know only how to set it up and write the simplest test 😉 But I want to share my today’s experiences because I cannot find any simple tutorial and had to glue together scripts, setting and libraries from all across the internet 😉

If you don’t like reading tutorials and want rather dig into example code I created the repository on GitHub where you can find everything I talk about here.


First of all, you need PHPUnit. I used versions 4.8.18 and 5.7.13 and it works with both. I added PHPUnit to my repository’s composer.json just for simplicity, you can use any version and any destination you want, it doesn’t matter.

Selenium webdriver

Next, you need `facebook/webdriver`. It’s the package from facebook containing PHP client for Selenium webdriver. It’s hight rated and widely used package and it’s well maintained – at the moment the last commit was created 4 days ago 🙂 To install it you should execute composer require –dev facebook/webdriver (you can omit `–dev` option but I think it’s good to separate packages for dev and prod environments)


The last thing you need is a browser. You can use Selenium with Firefox, Chrome and a couple more browsers. I tried it with Firefox and it works ok but slow. And needed some additional binary installed. I was wondering how will it work in Travis-CI, continuous integration service we’re using in my company. Running browser feels kinda weird. Hopefully I found in Travis documentation that Selenium can be used with phantomjs – “[…] a headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API.” as stands in the official website 😉

I gave it a try and… it was perfect! Before, in Firefox, tests run about 8 seconds but in phantomjs only 2 seconds!

So in my repository I installed phantomjs using `npm`, also only for `dev` environment: npm install –save-dev phantomjs . You can of course install it globally (just omit `–save-dev` option) and use it that way – it doesn’t matter, I added phantomjs to repository just for simplicity, like with PHPUnit.

Let’s write some code

Now it’s finally time to create some test! I created new directory for Selenium tests and added new class: `tests/Selenium/AppBundle/Controller/DefaultControllerTest.php`. In my project I use Symfony app so I have default controller displaying some details about Symfony installation. I use it in my test so I don’t have to create controllers, templates, routes and etc.

In my test I want to check if the index page of my application is titled as `Welcome!`. To do so write something like this:

    public function testIndex()
        $seleniumServerUrl = "http://localhost:8001";
        $webDriver = RemoteWebDriver::create($seleniumServerUrl, DesiredCapabilities::phantomjs());


        $this->assertEquals("Welcome!", $webDriver->getTitle());

In the first line I specify Selenium server URL – phantomjs server will be running on that URL. Then I create `RemoteWebDriver` instance using that URL and specify server type as phantomjs.
And thats all configuration you have to specify, really 🙂 With just two lines of configuration’s code you can write tests using Selenium!

To test the page I tell webdriver to go to Symfony’s index URL and then check with PHPUnit assertion if page’s title is equal to `Welcome!`.

Running the test

To run this test you must run phantomjs server first. For now I do it manually but I want to automate this later. For now just run it manually too 😉

Running phantomjs is simple, just execute phantomjs –webdriver=8001 (in my case node_modules/.bin/phantomjs –webdriver=8001 ). In webdriver option I specify port for server’s URL, the same as specified in `$seleniumServerUrl`.

It’s time to run the test 😉 I’m using PHPStorm IDE and run it from there but you can run it as you want, using console for example. I run it like this (note “Updating PHPUnit version” popup – its weird PHPStorm bug waiting for fix…)


That’s all folks! Simple Selenium test using only two lines of configuration code, fast “browser” and PHPUnit. Hope I’ll be helpful for you 🙂 Expect more posts about testing in near future!

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