Modern PHP, soft skills, productivity and time management.

Tag: evernote

Evernote and emoji

I have a little tip for you today.

Did you know, that you can use emoji in the note’s title?


I’m using Evernote for managing every task and project I have. My friend shows me a great way to mark notes he plans to do today – the `today` tag. I mark every task for today with this tag.
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PHPyths Buster: Displaying reminders

Previously I’ve made a connection to Evernote and display list of all notes. Nice. But the project is about managing reminders, so let’s go to work!

Receiving reminders

First of all, I want to display only notes with reminders. It could be done using `NoteFilter`. It’s enough to add just one line:

`$nFilter->words = “reminderTime:* -reminderDoneTime:*”;`
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PHPyths Buster: Evernote SDK [update]

It’s time to do some Evernote configuration.

To write an application that needs connection with Evernote I need a developer account. I have one, so in fact, you need it 😉


Go to and click “Get an API key” button and fill the form with your data. You’ll get Consumer Key and Consumer Secret needed to connect with Evernote.

Now I suggest you create a test account in It allows you to test your application using test account so you won’t mess up your real notes.
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PHPyths Buster: The Project

As promised I’m starting with a real project to proof that PHP may be what you want to build a web application 😉


I want to show you complete way to build the functional application. I’ll go from setting up the environment, through installing the framework and required libraries, to deploying to the server.


I’ll use Docker with Nginx, MySQL, and PHP7 – I want you to make a minimal effort to start the project. In addition, you won’t need to install something on your computer (well, except Docker itself) and your computer will be clean as always. You could also do the examples yourself and easy experiment with the code in the same environment. If something will break you could always let me know and we’ll fix it together 🙂
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