Modern PHP, soft skills, productivity and time management.

Month: January 2017

A few words about Git hooks

Lets talk about Git hooks. You’re using Git, right? No? But… you have to! Seriously, go to git-scm, GitHub or whatever and check it out.

In Git you have 3 types of files: tracked, ignored and untracked.
Tracked ones are simple – they’re just files you’ve added to the repository. This might be your application’s code. Ignored ones are also simple – if you don’t want to have any file you can add it to `.gitignore` file and you will have it locally but not in the repository. This might be any vendors you can easily install and don’t need to store them in your repository.

But untracked files are a little bit more complicated. These are files you’ve just created and didn’t specify what to do with them. Are those useful and should be added, or are they just temporary files or vendors? They might be also autogenerated files and this post is really about them.
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Why I stop to code and want to come back?

It was a while since the last post. At first, I had no idea what to write about. My post about string performance comparison was quite a success, so everything seems to go pretty well.

But from about one and a half months I simply… don’t code at all! It’s because we have significant changes in our company. Teams started to be interdisciplinary, that means to developers joined marketing, analysis, communication guys. And I was responsible for helping people understand the change. In fact, I was true, full-time Scrum Master…
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